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Creative Discovery Museum

The Creative Discovery Museum, located in the center of downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee, is a must-see for families with children. The museum provides a variety of interactive exhibits and events geared to inspire children’s learning and creative exploration. This intriguing museum has something for everyone, from toddlers to adolescents.

The Creative Discovery Museum was founded in 1995 and is set in a 100-year-old manufacturing building that has been refurbished. Each of the museum’s three floors offers a unique experience and concept. The first level is devoted to early childhood education, the second to science and technology, and the third to the arts.

The museum’s exhibits on early childhood education are ideal for toddlers and preschoolers. This floor’s displays are intended to promote early learning and exploration pleasantly and engagingly. Children may splash and play in a miniature river environment while learning about the dynamics of water at the RiverPlay exhibit. The rooftop garden provides an opportunity to learn about plants and the environment while enjoying the outdoors.

Children can explore the world of science and technology on the second floor. The exhibits here allow children to experiment, ask questions, and investigate the world around them as they learn about it. The popular exhibit at the Excavation Station allows children to play archaeologists by excavating for fossils and other artifacts. Meanwhile, the inventor’s workshop invites children to design and create new inventions using their imagination.

Finally, the museum’s third floor is devoted to the arts. These displays inspire children to express themselves creatively through a variety of art disciplines. The Art Studio is a popular exhibit that allows youngsters to make their own works of art using a variety of materials. The Performing Arts area, meanwhile, allows children to act, sing, and dance on a real stage.

The Creative Discovery Museum presents a variety of temporary exhibits throughout the year, in addition to its permanent displays. These displays allow children the opportunity to interact with their favorite characters in a real-life setting and are frequently based on popular children’s novels or television shows.

The Creative Discovery Museum is distinguished by its emphasis on play-based learning. The museum acknowledges that children learn most effectively through play and has built its exhibits and programs accordingly. The museum fosters children’s creativity, curiosity, and love of learning by providing a secure and interesting setting for them to play and explore.

The museum also provides a variety of educational activities and programs throughout the year. They include summer camps, after-school activities, and special events such as the annual “Family Night Out” The events are intended to complement the museum’s displays and promote additional learning and inquiry.

In addition to its commitment to accessibility, the Creative Discovery Museum provides a variety of services for guests with disabilities. The museum is entirely accessible by wheelchair and provides special programs and accommodations for guests with sensory sensitivities or other special needs.

The Creative Discovery Museum is an excellent place for families with young children. The emphasis on play-based learning and interactive exhibits make the museum a fun and engaging environment for children to explore and learn. Be sure to include the Creative Discovery Museum on your list of must-see Chattanooga attractions, whether you’re a resident or a visitor.

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